1.2 Review: The Scale of the Universe

Chapter Review Quiz

Short Essay Response

Type your answers in the box provided then print the page or take a screenshot and print OR email to your teacher.

  • 1. Using what you’ve learned about scale, do you think it is likely that we will be capable of interstellar travel during this century? Why or why not?

  • 2. With telescopes, we can easily take photographs of other galaxies, but not of our own Milky Way Galaxy. Briefly explain why we can’t photograph our own galaxy as it looks from outside; do you think we will ever be able to? Explain why or why not.

  • 3. Some people believe that aliens visit the Earth in UFOs. If this were true, the aliens would have to be capable of traveling easily among the stars. Using what you’ve learned about scale, comment on how the aliens’ level of technology would have to compare to our current technology. (For example, would it be only slightly more advanced, moderately more advanced, or extremely more advanced than ours?) Explain clearly.

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